Friday 18 February 2011

double page spread
 blogger would let me upload as image

1 comment:

  1. Research and Planning 15/20 (B)
    Production 35/60 (D)

    You have completed detailed research and planning. To improve further embed your work.

    Your product demonstrates a clear understanding of genre, and has the potential to be very good. To improve further on the front cover consider using a larger masthead, remove the Wallchart pug, try to use a clearer font for your coverlines. You may want to consider using a different main image for the cover. The contents page is conventional, and well-suited to the genre. You now need to remove all non-original images. Your double page spread may benefit from using a different colour scheme and font to the other pages. Try to make the layout more conventional, e.g. with a clear headline and standfirst. Your magazine would benefit overall from at least one set of photographs taken specifically for the magazine with thoughtful use of mise-en-scene and shot types and angles.
